The other Mac Lion users like me, who are using Mac Lion with insufficient hardware configuration might have already faced kernel panic messages and lags in Mac Lion performance while working with multiple applications. A serious applications trials and Mac tools research led me to fix some issues to speed up Mac OS X 10.7.
Its important to note that Mac Lion has inbuilt tools to take care of its health by running scripts after fixed intervals. These scripts run on daily, weekly and monthly schedules to pull off the system logs, debris, caches and other redundant items that would impinge upon system speed. Since these actions are carried out on a predefined time, it may not take place always. The system should be ON and working at the time of script execution, otherwise the garbage files will keep on accumulating.
So, its suggested to close those unwanted program cycles, unwanted browser tabs and program windows that are not in use, to speed up the Mac OS. Disable Mac OS X services or daemons which are not much useful but drains a share of resources.
Stellar Speed Up Mac is a tool to Speed up Mac Lion and prior versions of Mac OS X. Its an ultimate and easy to use application to clear cache files generated by applications, unwanted language files, browser history items and software log files.
The application is comprised of three modules.
- SpeedUp Mac : This option is meant for removing useless data from main volume (boot volume). There are five types of files that can be dealt with .
b. Cache and temporary files
c. Language files
d. Universal binaries
e. Duplicate files
- Clean My Mac: This option of Stellar speed up Mac is designed for both bootable volume and non-bootable volume as well. The files which are removed are aagn the same as mentioned above .
- Uninstaller : The option is self explaining which is designed to remove unused Mac applications from your machine and help you to avail free space on Mac drive. This section deal with Applications, Widgets and plugins installed in your system.