In my opinion precautions are better than cure. So, before going for any third party utility program to raise mac speed, I suggest some important things to be done while using your computer to check email, install programs, browse the Internet or chat:
1.Never open any attachments on emails that either you don't know who they're from or you don't already know what is in the attachment. Some malicious software can even make an email look like it was sent to you from a friend or relative! Better to be safe than sorry.
2.When installing new software, ALWAYS watch the installer and make sure you know what's being installed. Some programs will ask you if they can install additional software. This additional software is often unnecessary and can cause problems on your computer.
3.Don't use Internet Explorer (on Mac or PC). It is not being updated or supported for the Mac anymore. Use Safari, Chrome, or FireFox instead; these browsers are faster, offer more advanced features, and are more secure than Internet Explorer. (Plus, Safari is just darn cooler!).
4.If you chat, don't click on links sent to you by friends unless you are absolutely sure your friend intended to send you the link!
5.Upgrade your computer's RAM (Click on the Apple Logo (top right of the screen) and choose "About This Mac" to see how much you currently have). The more RAM you have, the less your computer will have to access the hard drive to run programs (especially if you run more than one program at a time!). This might actually be the best thing you can do to speed up an old Mac.
6.Make sure you have about 10-20% of your hard drive empty. Mac OS X automatically defragments most of your hard drive files, but it needs some free space so it can do this; plus, your computer will swap files with your RAM and hard drive to make certain programs run faster, so you need some free space for that. If your drive is almost full, you should consider getting a new drive; larger, faster drives can be very inexpensive when on sale at retailers such as Best Buy, Micro Center, Fry's and others.
7.Keep your computer clean; Please check if your mac has accumulated any unused data or program killing too much space on hard drive. If answer is yes then go for Stellar Speed Up Mac software to avail free space and increase Mac speed.