Mac Machines also have tendency to become slower with the passage of time. Thanks to those easy and effective technical suggestions from experts. Also, there are many tech videos available demonstrating step-by-step method to get rid of slow and sluggish Mac. Here we are mentioning the synopsis of such tech tips:
- Maintain at least 20% on your disk drive free. All applications you run on your machine, require some RAM when starting up and running. The more the number of applications you run simultaneously, the more space is required. If there is lack of sufficient space for the programs, then it may lead to a sluggish Mac. So, experts suggest to maintain at least 20% of free space in drive.
- Delete useless eclutter your desktop. The Finder draws the icons that you see on your desktop and the process can take long time if your desktop if full of icons. To get out of this , you need to declutter your desktop. Get rid of the old files and folders that you don’t need and take the other files and aggregate them into a folder, helping to reduce the rendering workload on Finder.
- Have a look on permissions repair them using Disk Utility.
Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility > [Select main Hard drive] > Repair Disk PermissionsUnforeseen events, like hard shutdowns, power outages, and crashes can cause the organizational directory corrupted, which can lead to slow performance. So, its a good idea to run the built-in OSX utility called “Disk Utility” to repair those corrupted permissions. It’s a time taking process and may take several hours to complete. - Please limit the number of Login Items.
System Settings > Accounts > [Username] > Login Items
Some Mac users have a long list of start up items. These applications start with every startup. The list includes programs like update managers, Dropbox etc. These programs take too much resources and can even slow down the startup process. We don't use all of those programs consistently. Removing the unused programs from the Login Items reduces the amount of time it takes your computer to start up and should help speed up your performance. - Analyse your widgets and remove the unwanted ones. Go
to Dashboard > click the small “+” in the bottom left corner
> click the “x” that appears in the top left corner of your
currently active, unneeded widgetsWidgets are the small
programs that run in the background to assist other programs.
Although they do not consume too much of memory, but their closure
may help OS X to avail some memory.
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